Can Speech Delays Be Resolved Completely?

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Can speech delays be resolved completely?

When I saw this question, I knew I had to answer it right away. 

I know so many parents who are doing everything they possibly can to help their child with speech…

And I never considered that many of these parents might not even know if it’s possible for their child’s problems to be resolved.

There’s not much that’s more frustrating and discouraging than continually working on something without knowing if you even have a chance of achieving your goal. 

So, can speech delays be resolved?


It’s entirely possible – and very common – for speech delays to resolve completely.
Sometimes it takes speech therapy…
Sometimes you need additional supports to address the underlying cause of the delay…
Sometimes it happens all on its own.
For some kids it might only take a couple months…
Other times it takes years.
But kids can catch up to exactly the level of their peers so you’d never know they had a speech delay in the first place.
It can be frustrating when it’s taking longer than you expected or hoped for, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
Kids develop at different rates, even when you’re giving them all the supports and services… it just takes time.
So don’t give up.
Keep practicing. Keep trying new things. Keep learning and supporting your child the best you can.