Ready to support your child's
development at home?

I'm here for you.

Are you worried about your child’s development? 

Feeling like they should be farther along than they are? 

Are you frustrated with their lack of progress in therapy? 

Or stuck on a waitlist just trying to get in?

I’m here to help.

I truly believe that you are your child’s best therapist. Whether your child is already in therapy or still waiting to get started, there is so much you can do at home to support them. 

I’m here to give you the tools and resources you need to support your child’s development and make speech activities fun, easy, and stress-free.

Why coaching?

Even though I’m a speech therapist, I don’t think that speech therapy services are the most important part of supporting children’s language development. Those services absolutely play a role and I always recommend them… but they have limitations.

First, the TIME factor...

Do you feel like your child is getting enough support? 

With traditional speech services, a therapist will work with your child once or twice a week for 30-60 minutes. Those sessions can be very helpful…. But I don’t believe it’s enough for most kids.

Now imagine you could take the time your child spends working on language skills in therapy, and double it… maybe even 5x or 10x it. How much faster could your child start talking, telling you when they need help, or carrying on a conversation? That’s the power of you working with your child at home.

Even if you practiced for just 15 minutes a day, that would be an extra 7+ hours of time working on language skills each month. 

And with a few simple strategies, you can easily increase that time by incorporating language-building techniques into activities that you’re already doing each day (meaning extra speech for your child without taking time out of your already busy schedule).

Second, the FUNCTIONAL factor...

Are you happy with the progress your child is making? 

Development doesn’t happen in a bubble. But that’s how traditional therapy usually provides treatment… targeting isolated skills in an unnatural setting. 

There’s nothing wrong with using that method for a portion of therapy time (it can even be beneficial), but the skills your child develops during speech sessions won’t do them any good unless they’re also applying them in real-life situations.

When you learn to support your child’s development at home, you can practice language skills during play time and meals, when you’re on a walk and at the grocery store, with family and with strangers…

Your child can learn language during the activities and routines where they’ll actually use it…

And you can make sure that your child develops functional skills that will carry over into their daily life.


Third, the CAUSE factor...

Do you ever feel like there’s something more that could be done to support your child’s development? 

For some kids, targeted interventions for specific language skills (which they get in speech therapy) are all they need to catch up…

But other kids could stay in speech forever and continue to struggle.

That’s because, in many cases, language delays are actually a symptom of underlying health issues. And as helpful as speech therapy can be, it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.

For those children, taking a holistic, root cause approach is critical to supporting optimal development.

If a child’s language delay is caused by problems like nutrient deficiencies, environmental toxins, or harmful pathogens, no amount of traditional therapy will create the progress you’re hoping. You need to address the root cause.

The ROOT CAUSE COACHING difference...

At Moms Teach Speech, we know that your child has the greatest all-in-one superhero, fairy godmother, and rockstar-cheerleader that a kid could hope for… you.

So my Root Cause Coaching programs put YOU in charge of your child’s development and give you the tools you need to take full advantage of your super-mom (or super-dad) powers.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to development... No two kids who are exactly alike… And no two families who need an identical approach to wellness & development. So our coaching sessions are personalized based on what your child and family needs

  • Whether this means discussing language-development strategies you can practice with your child’s favorite dinosaur…
  • Maximizing learning opportunities with on-the-go techniques you can use when you’re driving in the car…
  • Encouraging a healthy diet with a picky eater who won’t even look at a vegetable…
  • Reducing exposure to common household toxins that can cause developmental delays…
  • Or finding simple ways get siblings, grandparents, or teachers involved in the process…
I’m here for you.

Are you ready to support your child’s wellness & development with Root Cause Coaching?

What do you believe is possible?

Sometimes progress comes in leaps and bounds…

More often it happens slowly, with lots of patience and consistent practice towards goals.

But even if it’s just taking the next baby step, imagine how exciting it will be to see your child…

  • Saying their first words
  • Feeling less frustrated because they can communicate more easily
  • Having a conversation about how their day was
  • Playing with their friends
  • Going into a store without being overwhelmed by the lights and sounds 
  • Telling you what they need or how they’re feeling
Big or small, all progress is worth celebrating.

Now take a minute to think about all the things you believe are possible for your child… from baby steps to the big leaps.

I truly believe the insight and faith you have in your child’s abilities is worth more than any prognosis they may have received. 

So imagine…

What does life look like when your child thriving?

How will it feel to watch them achieve all the incredible things you know they’re capable of? 

What do you believe is possible?

Meet your coach!

Hey there! I’m Emily. 

Through my experiences working as a speech pathologist and throughout my personal health journey, I discovered some important things…

First, is that you are your child’s best therapist, and the best way for me to help children with speech and language delays is by teaching their parents to support development.

Second, is that there’s always a root cause. It’s when you address that cause and support health and development holistically (instead of only addressing small, isolated pieces) that you create the best opportunities for success.

Since then, it’s become my mission to empower as many parents as possible to take control of their child’s development and support speech, language, and whole-child wellness at home.

Let's work together!

Learn more about the Root Cause Coaching program…

The Foundation

This is where it all starts.

Whether your child is struggling to…

  • Say their first words
  • Make the S sound
  • Play with other kids
  • Write complete sentences
  • Or stay focused longer…

Supporting them effectively starts by creating a solid foundation.

What do you need for a foundation?

First, you need to identify where your child is currently at so you know the skills to work on that will have the most impact in their life.

Second, you need to create a plan so you can work on speech every day in a way that’s fun and engaging for your child AND simple and stress-free for you

Finally, you need to support the root cause of the delay so your child has the best opportunities for progress


During our initial coaching session, we’ll:

  • Uncover the Root Cause Roadmap so you understand where your child is at and what the path to optimal development looks like. 
  • Identify where your child needs the most support through At-Home Assessments for speech & language development. We’ll also review health & lifestyle factors and any professional evaluations they’ve already completed. 
  • Develop a Functional Speech Plan so you can begin incorporating simple speech strategies into your child’s everyday routines. No more wondering what to work on at home – you’ll have a solid plan in place so you know exactly what to do.  
  • Explore ongoing coaching opportunities to support you with moving through your child’s Speech Skills Journey, creating a Developmental Wellness Plan to address the root cause of delays, practicing Play-Based Speech, and more. 

Are you ready to support your child’s development at home?

Get personalized support today for only $247!

Not sure if coaching is right for you?

Reach out with any questions you have – I’m here to help!

Instead of coaching, you could...

Just do traditional therapy!

For some kids, 30-60 minutes of therapy once or twice a week is enough to make awesome progress!

I definitely recommend you take advantage of the professional therapy services in your area. 

But it won’t be enough for all kids. 

Your child will be limited in the amount of time they spend practicing each week…

They won’t be practicing during many functional, everyday tasks

And in most cases they won’t be addressing the root cause of the problem.

Become a speech pathologist!

How did I learn the speech therapy techniques and language developing skills I teach you in coaching?

I got a degree in speech-language pathology! 

If you wanted, you could do that too. 

That would give you the background you need to not only support your own children’s development, but other kids’ as well.

The downside is, it’ll take about 6 years and cost $100,000+.

You’d end up with a great job after though!

Hire me to work with your child for an hour a day!

With coaching, you’ll learn strategies that let you easily practice speech skills with your child for an hour every day

(Don’t worry, you can do this during everyday routines so it’s fun and doesn’t take much time out of your busy schedule!)

Or, if you wanted, you could hire me to provide speech therapy services for an hour a day instead.

It would cost close to $4,000 each month.

But if you’re interested, let me know. 


...or you can join Root Cause Coaching today!

I'm in! Sign me up for coaching!

Could this be you?

Cassie followed along with our Everyday Activities Challenge, which shows parents how to practice speech skills during their daily routines (something that’s a huge focus in our coaching program too). 

Check out this progress!

“Our 3.5 year old son… [is] picking up new words quickly, using his words vs pointing or crying, and combining words… even talking about emotions!”

With Root Cause Coaching, you’ll discover the same types of strategies Cassie used, and we’ll create a plan to incorporate them in your family’s personal routines and your child’s favorite activities. 

Nikolett participated in our Early Language Development course, which shows parents how to teach their children the foundational language skills that typically develop before they’re ready to start talking (also something we cover extensively in coaching!)… 

About a month after starting the program, her daughter said “GO”!

The next month, her daughter was starting to say “MORE”!

A month later, she shared more success and a video of her daughter imitating the word “OPEN”!

Root Cause Coaching provides you with a system for supporting the skills your child needs the most support with (much like the one Nikolett followed, but customized for your child), as well as opportunities for ongoing support throughout your child’s language development journey.

But I still have some questions...

How does the application process work?

Due to limited availability – and to make sure Root Cause Coaching is a good fit for your family – new clients are currently being accepted by application only. 

When you click one of the buttons above to apply, it’ll take you to an application page. The application should take about 5 minutes to complete. You’ll receive a response within 48 hours with next steps. 

Is this program right for me?

Only you know what’s best for your child and family. But this might be a good fit for you if…

  • You want to support your child’s development at home
  • You want to take a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of delays
  • You want to focus on functional skills your child can use in their everyday life
  • You know there’s no magical overnight solution, and you’re willing to work with your child every day to help them succeed

Who is this NOT right for?

This program is not for you if…

  • You don’t want to work on your child’s speech and language skills at home or believe only a professional can support their development
  • You’re looking for a “quick fix” to help your child start talking overnight
  • You aren’t willing to try using alternative communication methods (like sign language or visuals) to support your child’s development while you’re working on improving verbal communication
  • You don’t believe there’s any connection between health and development

Does this replace speech therapy?

No, coaching is intended to be a complement for speech therapy, not a replacement. It can also be very helpful for families who are stuck on waitlists and don’t want to wait to start supporting their child’s development. 

What speech and language problems will this help with?

Parent coaching can be helpful for all speech and language disorders. If you have specific questions about whether this is right for you, reach out to [email protected]

What health and wellness strategies do you recommend?

I believe our bodies are always working to support us the best they can, and the best health and wellness strategies are the ones that help the body do that more effectively. I like to start by focusing on the basics – things like making food choices that increase the bioavailable nutrients you get with each meal, product swaps that decrease exposure to harmful toxins, and taking advantage of the free tools nature provides. I also think high-quality supplements can be helpful when used short-term to address a specific concern (not as a bandaid you have to keep taking forever). 

What kind of progress will I see?

Each family has a unique child with different circumstances and their own personal goals. There are too many variables for me to answer that question without knowing anything about your child. But if you want a clear plan that includes professional-level strategies for supporting your child’s development at home, this is for you. 

What if I have other questions?

Reach out with any questions to [email protected].